3 Benefits Of Daily Exercising

Eric S Burdon
4 min readApr 18, 2018

It’s no surprise now that I’m taking up daily exercising. I’ve talked about before how I had issues with it. Coming up with excuses, putting it off, and overall being reluctant to the whole thing.

I’ve been able to overcome those excuses and start to exercise more every day. In fact, I’m starting to look forward to it for a few reasons.

These reasons are actually benefits of daily exercising.

These provide a strong reason to put this into your morning routine.

For clarity sake, the exercises I’m doing take about 15 minutes out of my day every day. I’ve been aiming to go for longer since I have the time as well. This proves that it really isn’t much of a hassle.

Paired with the benefits — and several others — you can see how daily exercising is so appealing and well worth it.

It Helps With Visualization

When you have a vision of who you want to be, nothing will stop you. — Eric S Burdon

The big reason I work out is because my figure isn’t the figure that I want in my life.

I’m looking for an overall toned body, more strength in my upper body, balance and flexibility.

I’ve spent some time picturing exactly what that body looks like. It motivates me now more than ever to keep pursuing that.

Especially when the exercising helps me to better visualize my overall looks.

Through the exercising, I can look at myself and have clearer picture of what my ideal body looks like day after day.

It further solidifies my affirmations as well as my general hustle.

I believe this can help others when they devote time to daily exercising, but also know what sort of body they want.

Higher Energy

Sore. The most satisfying pain. — Anonymous

I see myself as a highly energetic person. Even though there are times in the past that I’m certainly lazy and put things off, it’s never due to a lack of energy.

Anyway, with working out, I find myself with a larger amount of energy afterwards. This allows me to better focus on the work in front of me.

Furthermore it helps to keep me alert. This is key because as I mentioned above I have a tendency to put things off with no real reason.

By exercising, it makes me want to do something more constructive afterwards.

More Confidence And Positive Vibes

Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing. — Theodore Roosevelt

Regardless of your circumstances, daily exercising can help in boosting confidence and make you a happier individual. You could certainly go overboard with optimism, however chances are pretty low that’ll happen from you working out.

By working out, it shows that you care about your body and yourself.

As a result of that, you are lifting yourself up by taking better care of yourself.

Furthermore by working towards your ideal body, you are growing more confident.

This makes sense since you are one day closer to achieving a body that you want to have.

Try This

There is no reason to miss out on daily exercises.

Look up the exercises that people do to get the body they want and you’ll find a lot of it you can do in the comfort of your own home.

You can also look up a variety of videos online that’ll go through exercises as well.

The only thing really stopping you is the excuses that you come up with, the doubts you may have, and the fear behind it. And I’ve already told you how you can crush those completely.

Put some effort into it and you won’t regret it!

To your growth!

Eric S Burdon

This post is part of an 3 month writing challenge that I’m committing myself to. Every day for 3 months, I’ll be writing articles with specific criteria in mind. You can learn all about my reasoning as well as what that criteria is right here. This is 18 of 91 of this series.

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Eric S Burdon

Entrepreneur, positive-minded. I used to say a lot, but now I do a lot.