How Being Silent About Goals Makes You Successful

Eric S Burdon
6 min readJun 12, 2017

Since March 2016, goals have been a massive part of my life and over the years I’ve heard a variety of things about goals.

Finding a why for your goals allows you to better connect with your goals and purpose.

Writing them down and outlining the path to achieve that goal increases your odds as well.

People who follow that kind of goal setting practically quadruple their income.

Make sure the goal is SMART.

And so much more.

No doubt goal setting has changed many peoples, lives.

However one thing that has come up at times during my journey is a simple statement revolving around goals:

Don’t talk about your goals.

I was taken aback by it and I didn’t quite understand why some of the most successful people in the world don’t talk about their goals.

For me, I’ve been fixated on talking about a journey and sharing it. I even had videos on my Youtube channel talking about my goals in the past.

Moreover there is research that shows you are more likely to succeed when you write your goals, but also talk about them too.



Eric S Burdon
Eric S Burdon

Written by Eric S Burdon

I write (and sometimes do videos) about self-help for those who don't like self-help. Complete with the occasional memes and riffs on the industry that I love.

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