How To Leverage The Law Of Attraction

A continuation from yesterday….

Eric S Burdon
4 min readApr 5, 2018
“Colorful photo of a galaxy and stars at night” by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

Now that we understand what exactly law of attraction is (or at least what it should be in my humble opinion), we can learn to leverage it.

To recap, the law of attraction is a force that ultimately attracts what you desire.

In The Secret, this force could be used as a means to will something into existence. As much as I am optimistic, I don’t believe in that.

Perhaps in the world of Peter Pan that could work, but not in real life.

Instead, to properly leverage from the law of attraction, we need to take action. But not just any plain action. Action followed by a well thought out plan.

Although, some people could argue that purely thinking is action, but I’m talking about raw physical action.

Dreaming is still an action, but dreams alone don’t achieve goals.

But to take action and leverage the law of attraction, you honestly need a strategy. Like I said above, you need a well thought out plan.

So here is this strategy guide for you.

Start With Goals

Fulfilment is a right not a privilege. — Simon Sinek

The first big thing you need is your goals. Your goals are your overall direction. What this means is you need some quality goals that prompt certain things from you.

When you have a direction, focusing on what you want to attract in your life becomes a lot easier.

So start by setting goals.

But also ask yourself WHY you are setting those goals.

As Simon Sinek talks about in his book Find Your Why, you need to have one.

If you don’t you’ll be lost as well and may very well be chasing after something you don’t actually want.

This is the case with so many people.

So by having a why, you are giving yourself the confidence you need to follow through and explain why you are making the shift in your life.

Break The Goals Into Tasks

You must define your why before you can begin on your what and how. — Anonymous

We attract what we want in our lives by continuously putting effort towards something.

I’ll give The Secret credit for implying that by using our brain to attract things. But with that in mind, you need to convert that into action.

Affirmations are great, but acting upon them will change your life.

To do that, break the affirmations or your goals down into manageable tasks.

Affirm yourself that you will get these done and then go and do them.

Do Them Goals

“A woman standing on a cliff with her arms spread open.” by Samuel Scrimshaw on Unsplash

The last thing with leveraging the law of attraction is actually doing them.

Going back to what Jim Carrey said, he didn’t only think he would be worth millions of dollars.

He turned that desire into a series of steps that he could take.

He sharpened his acting abilities;

Settled for lower paying gigs, and;

Networked with people.

All of that was spurred on by his overall desire to be a successful actor.

So you need to take action. No amount of self improvement videos or articles will make you do that.

In this step, it’s all up to you to use what others have given you to bolster yourself.

Try This

Follow these steps and slowly but surely you will attract what it is that you desire in your life. In the end, what we tell ourselves and how we act will attract in our lives just that.

If you are look to attract money, start by finding ways to make money.

To find love, first love yourself and those around you.

The list can go on.

To your growth!

Eric S Burdon

This post is part of an 3 month writing challenge that I’m committing myself to. Every day for 3 months, I’ll be writing articles with specific criteria in mind. You can learn all about my reasoning as well as what that criteria is right here. This is 5 of 91 of this series.

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Eric S Burdon

Entrepreneur, positive-minded. I used to say a lot, but now I do a lot.