No Complaints Here

The Daily Grind #40

Eric S Burdon
5 min readAug 10, 2018

I’ve always been a mixed bag with everything that Gary Vaynerchuk offers. In my time of need, I watch some of his videos and it puts a lot of things into perspective.

As I’ve said before, his Gary Vee vlogs have helped me tremendously during times where I doubted myself.

That being said, some of his philosophies I don’t entirely agree with.

Mainly the whole wake up at 5 am thing.

But one thing we both can agree on is complaining.

How do I know this despite watching very little of his content?

Well I have him on Instagram and this is the first post I saw.

And let me tell you, I double tapped the shit out of it.

Well more like double tapped and left it at that.

Gary is absolutely right. When we are complaining about things we can’t control, we create barriers to our own happiness.

I’ve seen it time and time again in my own life and with others as well.

But I believe we can take it one step beyond simply dropping it on the ground and moving past it.

I talked about it in this article how complaining can be a valuable tool under the right kind of circumstances.

Hustle Until You Have No Complaints, But A Company

Complaining alone and doing nothing about the situation doesn’t help us. This is an often occurrence when we complain about our issues. We lack the ambition to do anything about our issue and air it out to drag other people down.

But what if we took that complaint and ran with it? Or made it run with us?

As I suggested in the article many companies have been formed based solely off of other peoples complaints and problems. There are so many stories out there of “person didn’t find what they were looking for, so they made it themselves.”

That could’ve easily been a complaint at some point that that person milked for days and did nothing about. Instead it drove them to build something.

But how exactly did that happen?

Well I can certainly relate to it because I’ve gone through something similar. My writing business itself.

Even though I had a deep desire to help improve people lives, it all started with me complaining about where I was in life. I’ll admit I was in a messed up spot mentally speaking when I first started my business.

I wasn’t complaining constantly, however I didn’t do much about growing my business from the very beginning. I lacked the dedication and whenever money came up, I would be complaining.

I couldn’t afford to spend money on the things I have now because I lacked it.

There was a constant cycle of complaining that was regular enough for me to not change my situation.

But that changed last year when I met a group of writers, a community. I started to take things into my own hands and develop myself. I doubled down on my desire to help people (which I am still doing right now) and my complaining turned into a belief.

Any person can get to where they want to go as long as they are willing to leap for it.

This Is Your Trigger

It’s gotten me to think more that complaining is in need of a trigger. A trigger in order for you to drop it, but also a trigger to leverage it and push yourself to new heights.

Any person can drop complaining. Like Gary Vaynerchuk suggests, air it out and get it out of your system. But I think if we really want to stop victimizing ourselves we do more than that.

We don’t settle for the hand that we are dealt, we learn what other strategies we can do and that can all be driven by looking at our hand and doing something about the shit hand we drew.

So this is your trigger.

Either air out and drop complaining and settle for things as it is right now.


If you are unsatisfied with where you are right now, know the spot of your complaining and do something about it.

This is your moment. It’s not easy, but it can be overcome.

To your growth!

Eric S Burdon

I woke up to rainfall which helped me to keep my head in the game for a while. There was a surprising amount of things that I did yesterday that I’m quite proud of.

I started to chat with people more often and I’ve been having a meaningful conversation with a few on Twitter now. There’s also been some progress on some of the work on my new confidence site amongst writing for my clients.

Still, I am pushing myself forward to advance further and the steps that I have been making thus far are helping with that little by little.

Call to action



Eric S Burdon

Entrepreneur, positive-minded. I used to say a lot, but now I do a lot.