Normally self help gurus tend to focus on external elements when it comes to improving moods. Things like if you're depressed, try to be around more people or to seek therapy. If you're stressed out about not making rent, try to work more, ask for a raise, or start growing a side business.
Just as you showed physically, a lot of those methods aren't all that realistic when you think about them. Starting a side hustle is very stressful and typically doesn't come cheap either. Depression can get so bad that you would rather spend more time indoors for days, weeks, or months at time rather than getting out and socializing. That or if you're too depressed people might just start avoiding you making it even worse.
I do like the lifting analogy, though to be fair, they'd have an easier time lifting you up if you were laying down on your back. lifting someone while they are sitting down can be a bit weird in terms where to grab.