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The Art Of Artful Deflection

A matter of picking and choosing your battles and where you want your energy to go to.

Eric S Burdon
6 min readJul 15, 2024


Looking at someone’s priorities can tell a lot about them. Every action that someone takes clearly outlines their priorities and tells a little about themselves one way or another.

Of course we can make changes to our lives at any point. We pivot from our original goals, we make new decisions, and thus we change ourselves little by little.

I bring all this up because I saw yet another article praising some of the shrewd decisions that Tim Cook pulled on fellow tech bro Elon Musk. So shrewd of a business decision that the writer decided this tactic, that anyone can replicate, is a master class strategy for handling your critics.

So what did Cook do exactly to deserve this kind of praise?

Oh, nothing at all.

The writer theorizes all kinds of ideas for what Cook did. Maybe he sent him a private message. Maybe he called Musk to outline he was mistaken.



Eric S Burdon

I write (and sometimes do videos) about self-help for those who don't like self-help. Complete with the occasional memes and riffs on the industry that I love.