What Bamboo Can Teach Us About Patience

Eric S Burdon
5 min readJun 20, 2018
Photo by Ståle Grut on Unsplash

Since I talked about flowers yesterday, I think talking about bamboo seems appropriate.

Have you heard of the Chinese Bamboo story before?

Much with any plant to grow a Chinese Bamboo Tree requires three things to nurture it — water, sunshine, and fertile soil.

In the first year, there are no visible signs. But still, we continue to nurture it.

In the second year, there are no signs of growth. But still, we continue to nurture it.

In the third and fourth year, there is still nothing at all. But still, we continue to nurture it.

With each passing year that goes by our patience is tested.

During these four long years we wonder if our dedication will ever be rewarded.

By the fifth year…

A Miracle Happens

By the fifth year, we start to witness an incredible amount of growth! Within six weeks on the fifth year The Chinese Bamboo Tree grows a staggering 80 feet tall!

It’s unreal how much growth the tree goes through to obtain that growth. But the real questions we ask though is did the Chinese Bamboo Tree truly grow 80 feet within six weeks?

Or perhaps did it lie dormant for four long years only to have this exponential growth by the fifth year?

Or maybe the tree spent all this time growing underground, developing a powerful root system that was strong enough to support its growth for years to come?

The answer here is pretty obvious.

If the Chinese Bamboo Tree not develop a powerful unseen foundation it would be impossible for the tree to sustain the life that it grew.

Had the farmer every year check the progress of the trees growth year after year by digging it up, the growth of the seeds would be curbed. In fact, the survival of the tree wouldn’t be possible.

It’s the same concept as a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. The cocoon is necessary in order to give the butterfly power to fly. For that to happen the caterpillar needs to stay in the cocoon

So What’s A Bamboo Tree Got To Do With Patience?

You may be asking what’s this story got to do with people and patience. Well this story follows the same concept of people as well.

People who are patient and work on themselves develop those deep roots in the ground. For years they spend time building themselves up.

From setting goals to understanding their dreams and desires.

To networking and building a strong character.

A person is growing their roots in order to face any adversity or challenge that comes their way.

This is all in preparation for the growth, or success, that they will one day achieve. It’s for this reason why multi-millionaires and billionaires are really good with their money.

On the other hand, those who are looking to get rich quick lack that support. Their roots are being torn up because they never bothered to learn more. Whether they stopped reading after university or they simply want a quick fix to their problems.

People who lack that fortitude will be stuck in that situation until they change their thinking.

To Grow Is To Have Patience

In order for us to grow we must be patient. Even when nothing seems to be happening maybe a lot of things are going on behind the scenes?

Like the roots are digging deeper into the ground, we can’t see them.

This story brings up something else and that is belief. Belief in ourselves that we can grow and that we will get there in due time.

When a bamboo tree grows to that extraordinary height it feels like we achieved something great and we certainly did. It’s not an easy task to pull this off which is why we must be patient with our work and what we are doing.

Everything will pay out to us soon enough as long as we continue to grow ourselves and be patient.

To your growth!

Eric S Burdon

This post is part of an 3 month writing challenge that I’m committing myself to. Every day for 3 months, I’ll be writing articles with specific criteria in mind. You can learn all about my reasoning as well as what that criteria is right here. This is 81 of 91 of this series.

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Eric S Burdon

Entrepreneur, positive-minded. I used to say a lot, but now I do a lot.