“selective focus photography of brown and orange butterfly” by Егор Камелев on Unsplash

What Does The Butterfly Effect Have To Do With Business?

How to leverage the butterfly effect and grow your business


One small action leads to another and another affecting more and more people the longer it lasts.

The butterfly effect — or ripple effect — is a force that not many people really think about. Entrepreneurs are focusing forward, looking for new ideas or maintaining their businesses. There is always a task at hand or a fire to put out.

But little do we know that our actions in those specific situations can create a ripple effect regardless of if we’re flying solo or in a large company. And much like outside relationships, these actions set the stage for the next scene our business plays.

Is the business going thrive? Or will it burn to the ground?

That depends on your response and how well you can leverage the butterfly effect in various situations.

Affecting Employees

Whether you are flying solo or have a massive amount of employees, it’s important to see how the butterfly effect carries. You see, the butterfly effect is more than just one ripple in a lake. As soon as it touches someone else, another ripple is going to be…



Eric S Burdon
Eric S Burdon

Written by Eric S Burdon

I write (and sometimes do videos) about self-help for those who don't like self-help. Complete with the occasional memes and riffs on the industry that I love.

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