Member-only story
Yes. You Can Still Make Money On NewsBreak
No. Leaving Medium because of that is a bad idea.
When NewsBreak hit the scene with its Partnership program last year, writers were very excited about it.
Finally, a media company that has a massive audience and pays a lot of money for the articles that we put together.
Back then, times were a bit simpler. Medium was paying decent enough, there was no Medium writer challenge, and there were fewer angry posts about algorithms sucking and people whining about money.
NewsBreak was still on people’s minds though because it did things a bit differently.
They had contracts.
And they were also selective in who went in. It was like the Clubhouse app, except this was for writers. Exclusive. Coveted.
The whole process took a few weeks so I was accepted into the program by mid-December.
Like so many writers at the time, I saw this site as a convenient enough place to dump already published content from here (or my site) and publish it on NewsBreak.
It was around this time where everyone started to learn more about NewsBreak.
The money was good. And the algorithm was spreading your post around a lot.